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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

Membership and Collaborator News


  • 20 Jul 2016 8:59 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    2016 Spirit of Philanthropy Awards

    Are you looking for a great way to recognize that exceptional supporter who goes beyond the call for your organization, or show a member of your development team that he/she deserves to be recognized for his or her passion and dedication?  Why not honor them with a Spirit of Philanthropy Award?  The award was created in 1991 to provide charitable organizations the opportunity to honor someone within or close to their organization who truly exemplifies the “spirit of philanthropy”.  These awards will be presented at the Philanthropy Leadership Awards Luncheon along with the Annual Leadership Awards.


    The Celebration of Philanthropy Leadership Awards Luncheon is Wednesday, November 9, 2016.  The annual awards ceremony and event serve to recognize and celebrate Arizona’s finest fundraisers, volunteers, philanthropists, and corporations who serve our community through their dedication of resources, time and generosity.


    Submission deadline for the 2016 Spirit of Philanthropy Award form is Wednesday, September 12.   Click here to download the form.


    32nd Annual Philanthropy Leadership Awards Luncheon

    Wednesday, November 9, 2016

    JW Marriott Camelback Inn Scottsdale Resort & Spa

    5402 E. Lincoln Dr.

    Scottsdale, AZ 85253



    Our Keynote Speaker will be Kay Sprinkel Grace. Enjoy a day of fundraising education with Kay and conclude with our awards luncheon.

    Tickets are now available, click here for more information and to register today!

  • 20 Jul 2016 8:53 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)


    NCPP is the Conference for You! 

    One of the things that makes NCPP unique is the education designed for charitable gift planners at every stage of their careers.

    Learn more about what your NCPP experience could look like by clicking on the link that best describes you.

    Which are you?

    Hubspot_Icon_7.png I am new to charitable gift planning; it is just part of my job



    I specialize in charitable gift planning and need to stay current on new developments


    Hubspot_Icon_12.pngI want/need to learn more about charitable gift planning to advance in my career

    Hubspot_Icon_24.pngI supervise people who do charitable gift planning and I need to understand their work







    Summer Advocacy Campaign: Legacy IRA Act (HR 5171)

    PPP is asking all members to join together and reach out to their United States Representatives and ask them to join HR 5171 as cosponsors. Learn more about the Legacy IRA Act (HR 5171) here and click below for steps to contact your representative. 

    Take Action




    d292e9ca-8055-460e-bfc3-e62f3ff67437.pngShare your story at IGNITE! at NCPP 

    Would you like five minutes and 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds to share an idea, passion or experience at NCPP 2016?  IGNITE! Submit your idea below. If chosen to present you will receive $100 off your full NCPP 2016 registration.  Learn more about IGINTE! 

    Share Your Story




    [Press Release] 2017 PPP

    Board Members


    Click here to meet the new board members. 


    Find Your Next Career Move with PPP Jobs

    Looking for a new position? PPP's Career Center is the place to search!

    Find Jobs

    Members on the Move

    Have you accepted a new position or changed roles at your current organization?

    Tell Us More

  • 15 Jul 2016 10:08 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    Arizona Community Foundation

    Sr. Philanthropic Advisor

    Posted July 15, 2016

  • 07 Jul 2016 2:27 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)
    Join us in wishing a very Happy Birthday for the month of July to:

    Amber Manns

    Beth Haugen

    Nancy Gerald

    How, you may ask yourself, do we know this? Completed information in the membership profiles.  Completing all fields in your profile could get you birthday recognition, and possible other little perks..........We don't need the year you were born, just the month.
  • 07 Jul 2016 10:37 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    Excellent Partnership Opportunity to Educate, Motivate and Empower our Community to Collectively Promote and Facilitate Planned Giving !

    Partnership provides the following:

    • The ability for the Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona to:
    • provide quality education and information to our community to collectively promote and facilitate planned giving
    • enrich a community where leaving a legacy through planned giving is the social norm
    • provide an appealing, multi-functional and user friendly website
    • provide member organization exposure and resources
    • provide collateral re: organization and membership information

    Partnership options:

    Monthly Education Seminars: ($500 Each)

    PGRTAZ Website through June 2017 ($1,500)

    On Line Membership Directory and Job Postings through June 2017 ($750)

    2016/17 Hard Copy Membership Brochure ($1,500)

    We welcome the opportunity to discuss partnership.

    Please contact Stephanie at 602-840-2900 or email


    PGRTAZ Mission:  Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate planned giving.

    PGRTAZ Vision:  We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through planned giving is the social norm.

  • 07 Jul 2016 10:11 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    Friday, July 22
    10:30a.m. - 11:45a.m.


    Sixteen Simple Stewardship Secrets

    Brian Bateman, MA, Founder and President, GiftPro Consulting

    You are invited to this session designed specifically for gift professionals that are still learning regardless of your gift goal. You will receive 3 practical handouts crafted specifically for the workshop.  Learn to create mutually beneficial relationships with donors of all amounts!  Get the 16 straightforward and effective strategies that you can integrate today.  Forge closer bonds.  Set yourself apart.  Say thanks creatively.  Share the credit.  Delight the donor.  Love'em up one at a time.  Cultivate future gifts.  Free food, prizes and other gratuitous tactics will encourage your active participation.

    Revelations from a Data Maven

    Diana Hoyt, President, Heritage Designs

    Can your database really help you raise more money? The expert opinion is that it depends on a number of factors. Understanding these factors and the difference they can make is huge for any organization. Having a database that raises money requires strategical thinking, planning and rigorous implementation. Whether your database is small or large, clean or messy, making the data work for you is critical. Spend 75 minutes and walk away with a plan to create a remarkable database.

    A Fresh Look at Sponsorships

    Tina Lopez, Chief Development Officer, Save the Family Foundation of Arizona

    As corporations shift focus and are moving away from supporting Event Sponsorships, how does your organization navigate around these challenges?  A Fresh Look at Sponsorships is an interactive panel discussion with experienced nonprofit and corporate leaders on new and fresh ideas on how to secure sponsorships and make your fundraising event a success.

    Click here for more sessions!

    When & Where

    July 21 - 22, 2016

    Where: Carefree Resort & Conference Center

               37220 N. Mule Train Rd., Carefree, AZ 85377


    Member - $275

    Partner* - $300

    Non-member - $325

    Single Day Rates
    July 21st

    Member - $165  

    Partner* - $180

    Non-member - $195

    July 22nd

    Member - $110      

    Partner* - $120      

    Non-member - $130

    * Partner rates are reserved for members of the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and the Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona.

      CLICK HERE for more information and to register!



    Carefree Resort & Conference Center

    37220 Mule Train Road

    Carefree, AZ  85377


  • 01 Jul 2016 2:37 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)
     A huge THANK YOU to the PGRTAZ membership for casting your vote for your 2016/2017 Board of Directors.

    The 2016/2017 board of directors was approved by a majority vote of the membership in favor of the recommended slate.

    Please join us in welcoming:

     President Troy McNemar
     McNemar Law Office, P.C.
    Vice President
     Tiffany House
     MasterTech Financial
     Secretary  Michael Colbert
     MassMutual Arizona
     Treasurer  Beth Salazar
     Past President
     Russell Goldstein
    U.S. Trust, Bank of America
     Director  Nicole Powers
     Make-A-Wish(R) America
     Director  Ron Wilson
     Morris Hall, PLLC
     Director  Peter Liefer
     Director  Bruce Weber
     Greater Boards
     Director  Diane Jezek-Powell
     Gompers Habilitation Center
     Director  Joyce Melter
     Arizona Humane Society
     Director  Judith Pillon
     ASU Foundation

  • 30 Jun 2016 8:58 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    August Brown Bag Lunch & Learn

    The Basics of Social Enterprise

    Today’s social service marketplace is increasing complex.  The regulatory environment is constantly changing, and government support continues to shrink. There are limits on how high fees can be raised.  The philanthropic market is increasingly competitive.  At the same time, you must serve more families in need!  

    In the right situation social enterprise can add value to your organization and your community while positively impacting your bottom line.

    Social enterprises are businesses whose primary purpose is the common good.  They use methods and disciplines of business and the power of the marketplace to advance their social, environmental, and human service agendas and positively impact their financial bottom line.  

    Learn how your nonprofit organization can evaluate if social enterprise is the right option for you and hear from the experiences of your peers.

    Participants will learn:

    • How do you develop a social enterprise program?
    • How do you implement a social enterprise?
    • How do you evaluate its effectiveness?
    • How do you help it to grow?
    • How do you create a dialog for your organization to consider if the time is right to create a Social Enterprise?
    • Who should attend: Any organization considering entering into the social enterprise arena.

    When & Where

    Wednesday, August 10

    Meet & Greet: 11:00am – 11:30am

    Presentation: 11:30pm – 12:30pm

    Location: Child Crisis Arizona

                  817 N Country Club Dr, Mesa, AZ 85201

    Cost:  AFP Members - Free

             Nonmembers - $15

    Don't Forget to Bring Your Lunch!

    Register today!


    Cancellation and Refund Policy

    Cancellations and Refund requests must be received in writing to 72 hours prior to an event. No refunds will be issued within 72 hours of the event. All no-shows will be charged and/or invoiced.

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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