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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

Membership and Collaborator News


  • 18 Jul 2017 2:41 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    Recognize Your Best with a Spirit of Philanthropy Award


    Registrations are now being accepted for the AFP Greater Arizona 33rd Annual Celebration of Philanthropy.

    Please plan to join us as we honor those who've made their invaluable contributions to the world of philanthropy. The day will also include two informative morning educational sessions with renowned expert, Adrian Sargeant, PhD, Professor of Fundraising and Director, Hartsook Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy, University of Plymouth.

    • Building Donor Loyalty: Lessons From Research and the Very Best of Professional Practice
    • Massive Fundraising: How to Double, Triple or Quadruple Your Donated Income

    33rd Annual Philanthropy Leadership Awards
    Wednesday, November 8, 2017
    Sheraton Grand Phoenix
    340 N. 3rd St., Phoenix, AZ 85004





    We have a fantastic way to recognize that exceptional supporter who goes beyond the call for your organization, or show a member of your development team that he/she deserves to be recognized for his or her passion and dedication!  Honor them with a Spirit of Philanthropy Award!

    The Spirit of Philanthropy Award allows you to show your support and gratitude to anyone you want to recognize and honor with an award and table of 10 at the Celebration of Philanthropy Luncheon.  The cost starts at $1250.00 with additional options to place an ad in the event program.

    Click here for more details and to download the Spirit of Philanthropy award form.  Forms are due by September 1st.


    For any questions please call our chapter office at 480-947-3459 or email




    Luncheon only - $125

    Education Sessions/Luncheon - $150
    Education Sessions only (member) - $75
    Education Sessions only (nonmember) - $95

    Luncheon table of 10 - $1250
    *add education sessions at $25 per person




  • 17 Jul 2017 11:27 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)
    AUGUST Lunch & Learn
    AUGUST Lunch & Learn


     We're coming back in August for the start of our fall luncheon series. Join us at the Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center.

    State law regulates fundraising activities yet many non-profits ar not informed on the numerous laws outside of Arizona. Join us as Ellis Carter, attorney with Caritas Law Group, P.C., helps non-profit leaders and fundraising professionals navigate the complicated arena of multi-state fundraising regulations.


    Topics include:

    • The rise of state regulators in nonprofit law enforcement
    • The application of multi-state laws regulating charitable solicitation
    • The application of multi-state laws to charitable sales promotions
    • Exemptions and exclusions that may apply
    • The application of laws to nonprofits’ online activities
    • The legal and ethical implications of failing to comply
    • Strategies for managing all of the above.

    When & Where


    Wednesday, August 2
    Location: Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center
                    5600 W. Union Hills Dr., Glendale, AZ 85308

    Meet & Greet: 11:30am - Noon
    Luncheon: Noon – 1:30pm


    AFP encourages you to pre-register for the luncheon prior to the deadline of 12 noon on Tuesday, August 1, 2017. If registering on-site the day of the luncheon, please note the cost increase and that we cannot guarantee a meal. ALL No shows will be charged. Thank you for your cooperation.



    Members $30.00/ Nonmembers $45.00


    Click here to register

  • 11 Jul 2017 4:04 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)
    Join us in wishing a very Happy Birthday for the month of July to:

    Jan Miller

    Jessica Green

    How, you may ask yourself, do we know this? Completed information in the membership profiles.  Completing all fields in your profile could get you birthday recognition, and possible other little perks..........We don't need the year you were born, just the month.
  • 06 Jul 2017 11:39 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    Association for Fundraising Professionals - Greater AZ Chapter is offering both the AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising Course and the CFRE refresher course here in Phoenix!

    When: August 24-25 / 8:00am to 5:30pm

    Where: Mesa Community College
                (Main library, rooms to be announced)
                 1833 W. Southern Ave., Mesa AZ 85202

    Cost: $390 for AFP members; $490 for non-members

    The CFRE Refresher course is:

    • Designed for fundraising professionals with 5 or more years of experience
    • Participants will receive a participant manual that contains test taking tips and sample exam questions
    • Two-day intensive program that gives an overview of skills, techniques, and program components of a complete fundraising program
    • Eligible for 13.75 CFRE Credits

    The AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising course is:

    • A comprehensive overview of the six core fundraising knowledge domains
    • Taught face-to-face over two days, including case studies and interactive projects
    • Designed for individuals with up to 4 years of professional fundraising experience
    • Eligible for 16 CFRE Education Points

    Click here to register for either course!

    For questions, contact us at (480) 947-3459 or

  • 05 Jul 2017 11:24 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)


     Take advantage of summer savings - expire Friday July 7, 2017
    Individuals save $10 - use discount code happy10
    Groups save $20 by - use discount code group20




    Workshop Block 1 

    Workshop Block 2 


    ‘Tis the Season to Give: Successful Steps to a Year End Appeal led by Rachel Clemens of TradeMark Media
    Data Visualization for Nonprofits: How to Show Your Story led Andrea Robertson, Designer & Owner at Hypsypops
    Fundability Simplified: Five Steps to Attract, Engage & Inspire more Funding led by Shelley Milne of NonprofitIQ

    Search Engine Optimization for Nonprofits led by Ben LeFort of Dolomite Marketing
    Up-close and Personal: Tailoring the "Donor Experience" for Effective Engagement and Beyond led by Tom Morley of Snowflake LLC
    Your Story: Shaping Audience Perception Through Storytelling led by Gordon Mayer of Gordon Mayer Communications


    Additional information on how to participate:
    Program participants can choose one workshop during each time block. All six sessions will be recorded. After the institute, attendees will receive recordings and materials from all the sessions. Please review the program schedule here. We offer 6.0 continuing education units through CFRE. The Nonprofit Learning Lab provides partial scholarships for organizations with financial constraints. Email us today at to receive a partial scholarship. 

  • 27 Jun 2017 9:56 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)



    2017/18 PGRTAZ Board of Directors Election




    The 2017/18 PGRTAZ Board of Directors Election Booth is Now Open.

    All current PGRTAZ members should have recieved their ballot via email within the last week, and will again tomorrow.

    If you did not recieve your ballot, please contact the administrative office, or 602-840-2900.

    The election booth will be open through June 30, 2017

    Let your voice be heard and cast your vote today!


  • 27 Jun 2017 9:53 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

    July 19-21, 2017
    Casino Del Sol Resort
    5655 W Valencia Road, Tucson, AZ 85757


    About the Conference

    What do phenomenal development speakers, blackjack tables, and world-premiere fundraising musicals have in common? They’re all the stars of this year’s AFP Statewide Conference!

    We’re packing in the fun AND the learning at this summer’s conference, bringing together a stellar group of keynote speakers and breakout sessions to educate, inspire, and motivate us to kick butt. We had such an incredible response to our call for presenters that we’ve added an additional breakout slot for all sessions. Get ready to learn from the very best!

    And did we mention Fundraiser: The Musical?! Michael Martinez, Executive Director of Live Theatre Workshop, will write and direct this hilarious, completely original musical about a bright-eyed fundraiser’s adventure down the ‘rabbit-hole’ into the world of Professional Fundraising. Grab your free seat at the world premiere – a ticket is included with your Thursday registration!

    For nonprofit executive staff and board members, don’t miss Wednesday’s Executive Leadership Day with content geared especially for you. Take a deep dive into transitional leadership, creating winning CEO-board partnerships, and the latest data on philanthropic giving. And the best part is… the more people you bring, the lower the registration cost!

    We’re working hard to make sure that even the most experienced, well-educated fundraiser will find lots of new, engaging information at this year’s Statewide Conference. And we’ve included sessions for newer fundraisers, too! Don’t miss your chance to learn from and with your peers. We’ll see you at the conference!

    Conference Program

    View the full conference schedule and session summaries here.

    Registration Fees

    Pre-Conference – July 19, 2017    
    AFP Member $99  
    Non-Member $149  
    Additional staff/board members $49 each  
    Conference – July 20-21, 2017    
    Early Bird Rate, AFP Member $250 Deadline June 2
    Early Bird Rate, Non-Member $300 Deadline June 2
    Regular Rate, AFP Member $300  
    Regular Rate, Non-Member $350  
    Thursday only, AFP Member $199  
    Thursday only, Non-Member $249  
    Friday only, AFP Member $149  
    Friday only, Non-Member $199  

    Guest rooms at Casino Del Sol are available for $99 per night with offer code AFP17. Reservations can be made online at or by calling 855-765-7529. Make your reservation by June 18 for discounted rate. Complimentary parking and Wi-Fi are included.

  • 13 Jun 2017 1:30 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)
    Join us in wishing a very Happy Birthday for the month of June to:

    Randy Huston

    Bradley Kuluris

    Gwyn Goebel

    How, you may ask yourself, do we know this? Completed information in the membership profiles.  Completing all fields in your profile could get you birthday recognition, and possible other little perks..........We don't need the year you were born, just the month.
  • 09 May 2017 2:47 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)
     Click on flyer to download.

  • 10 Apr 2017 4:55 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)
    Join us in wishing a very Happy Birthday for the month of April to:

    Dan Packard, CPA

    Lisa Zuba

    Brad Harris, CAP(R)

    Carina Burtell, AAMS

    Jacqueline Palmenberg, CFRE

    How, you may ask yourself, do we know this? Completed information in the membership profiles.  Completing all fields in your profile could get you birthday recognition, and possible other little perks..........We don't need the year you were born, just the month.

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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