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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

Marketing Collaborator: AFP Spirit of Philanthropy Award

18 Jul 2017 2:41 PM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)

Recognize Your Best with a Spirit of Philanthropy Award


Registrations are now being accepted for the AFP Greater Arizona 33rd Annual Celebration of Philanthropy.

Please plan to join us as we honor those who've made their invaluable contributions to the world of philanthropy. The day will also include two informative morning educational sessions with renowned expert, Adrian Sargeant, PhD, Professor of Fundraising and Director, Hartsook Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy, University of Plymouth.

  • Building Donor Loyalty: Lessons From Research and the Very Best of Professional Practice
  • Massive Fundraising: How to Double, Triple or Quadruple Your Donated Income

33rd Annual Philanthropy Leadership Awards
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Sheraton Grand Phoenix
340 N. 3rd St., Phoenix, AZ 85004





We have a fantastic way to recognize that exceptional supporter who goes beyond the call for your organization, or show a member of your development team that he/she deserves to be recognized for his or her passion and dedication!  Honor them with a Spirit of Philanthropy Award!

The Spirit of Philanthropy Award allows you to show your support and gratitude to anyone you want to recognize and honor with an award and table of 10 at the Celebration of Philanthropy Luncheon.  The cost starts at $1250.00 with additional options to place an ad in the event program.

Click here for more details and to download the Spirit of Philanthropy award form.  Forms are due by September 1st.


For any questions please call our chapter office at 480-947-3459 or email




Luncheon only - $125

Education Sessions/Luncheon - $150
Education Sessions only (member) - $75
Education Sessions only (nonmember) - $95

Luncheon table of 10 - $1250
*add education sessions at $25 per person




Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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