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Marketing Collaborator: AFP April Webinar

22 Apr 2015 9:53 AM | Stephanie Weadock (Administrator)


Find High Capacity Prospects Hiding in Plain Sight

April Live Webinar

Do you believe you have donors in your file with the capacity to do major gifts who aren't? Most organizations have high capacity donors hiding in plain sight. A whopping 40% of donors in a recent study admit to having greater capacity than they are giving. But how do you connect the dots? What data do you have to inform you? Chances are you have valuable observational data about your donors not being mined. Today's technology allows us to collect and analyze a plethora of data about our donors. How can you leverage it efficiently to find your prospects, deepen your relationship with them and upgrade their giving? Whether you're a one person shop or large organization, you'll walk away with insights to uncover your hidden gems and grow them into major gifts. 

 At the conclusion of this session, participants will learn:

• The 3 core types of data for prospecting (giving, marketplace and observational) 

• The low hanging fruit of basic prospecting strategies and approaches for small shops 

• How digital tools like video can dramatically enhance prospecting 

• The myth of the giving pyramid and critical insights into midlevel donors 

Target Audience:

This presentation will be tailored to reach all audiences with low cost, low tech tips for small shops and sophisticated technology tips for larger organizations that are more advanced.

 When & Where

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

When: 10:00am - 11:30am

Where: Phoenix Zoo (Stone House Pavilion)

           455 North Galvin Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85008 

Cost: AFP Member - Free  Nonmember - $25.00

Click here to register today!

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