"How to Help Clients Avoid
100% of Capital Gains"

President and Founder
Charitable Trust Administrators, Inc.
By the use of a “Capital Gains Bypass Trust” (Charitable Remainder Unitrust) all tax on potential capital gains can be avoided. Using this tool will normally double a client’s income over their lifetime. By attending this presentation, you will learn the ins & outs of these trusts and will ber able to explain them to potential clients.
With the Baby Boomer generation upon us this is the greatest time in history to be able to help them retire with a safe and secure retirement plan. These trust will also help raise billions of dollars for the great charities in our country.
You will also learn more about how these trusts work and the advantages of each
type of trust that are available in 2025. These may also help greatly in avoiding
estate taxes with the reduction of the estate tax exclusion reduction as the end of
Learning objectives of this presentation:
1. How to implement a Capital Gains Bypass Trust
2. What are the available types of trusts?
3. Six big decisions in setting up these types of trust.
4. Who may be the best candidates for these trusts?
5. How to gain referrals from your local charities and other professionals.
6. Who is your best choice to administer these types of trusts?
7. How to generate fees from assisting clients review the concepts.
8. What information do you need to gather to run analysis for these trusts?
Program is Approved for 1PT
CE Credit
Program Approved for 1 hour
CE Credit
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