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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Lunch Series: Basic Planned Giving Track

  • 21 Feb 2012
  • 11:15 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Phoenix Country Club MEMBERS-please log into website FIRST to register for event


  • Registrations after 12pm the Thursday prior to the event

Registration is closed
Topic: "New Approaches for Today's Realities"


Program Description:

Discover what the combination of a rapidly aging donor population, low interest rates, stock market fluctuations, proposed new taxes on amounts given to charity, and the elimination of the federal estate tax for 99% of Americans will mean for how donors will make gifts, especially larger ones, in coming months and years.  With limited time and other resources, how should we act to encourage gifts that will produce the most funds for current funding, capital, and endowment in the shortest period of time.  Learn why commonly pursued, intuitive strategies may be counter-productive, while powerful and counter intuitive approaches may be more productive in an increasingly competitive and challenging environment.

Reference and History:  On December 17 the president signed into law the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Re-authorization and Job Creation Act of 2010. This much anticipated legislation features continuation of tax cuts that were scheduled to expire, extension of unemployment benefits, and other measures designed to stimulate the economy.

A number of provisions in the bill and their impacts will be of special interest to the nonprofit community. Many commentaries have thus far focused on incentives for immediate gifts from IRAs by donors over the age of 70 ½.

The extension of the IRA Rollover provision first introduced in 2006 will give an immediate boost to charitable giving by older donors who can afford to give part of their retirement funds to charity. However, we believe the implications of the
law will have a broader impact on charitable giving in both the near and long term.

In this white paper we review the broad outlines of the bill as we believe it will affect charitable giving and introduce concepts those working with major donors of all ages will want to consider now and over the next two years.
  Please Greet and Thank our Lunch Series Sponsor!

Thank you for registering by noon the Thursday prior to the event whenever possible!

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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