Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona
"Which Giving Vehicle Is Right For You?"
"What You Need to Know About Private Foundations, Donor-Advised Funds, and Supporting Organizations"
Matthew Dana
Partner, Estate, Trust & Wealth Preservation Practice Group
Quarles & Brady LLP
Jodi Patt Pellettiere
Partner, Tax Exempt Organizations Practice Group,
Program Description:
Jodi Patt Pellettiere and Matt Dana,
provide an overview of private foundations,
public charities, provides donor advised funds,
and supporting organizations, including the
advantages and disadvantages of creating
each as a giving vehicle for donors. Both tax
consequences and practical considerations
Please note: Members who can not attend, now have the ability to send a substitute in their place at the member registration level.
11:15am Registration
11:30am Lunch
12:00pm: Presentation
1:00pm: Presenter concludes
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Arizona Charitable Gift Planners
602.840.2900 X1